IPSA RC 41 - Geopolitics

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ISPRS/ IGU/ICA Joint Workshop on Borderlands Modeling and Understanding for Global Sustainability, Beijing, China, 5-6.12.2013

Organized by: - Beijing Normal University (BNU) - National Geomatics Center of China (NGCC) - Peking University (PKU) - Lanzhou University (LU)

Sponsored by: - International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) - International Geographical Union (IGU) - International Cartographic Association (ICA) - Geographical Society of China (GSC) - Association of American Geographers (AAG)


Achieving sustainable development is a consensus of the international community, as declared by the Rio+ 20 Outcome Document. How to accomplish this task is a big challenge facing the government, private sector and academia. Nowadays the United nations (UN) are exerting great efforts in mobilizing the world to come up with a post-2015 development agenda based on inputs from all walks of life. It is the moral obligation of the borderland-related research community to have our thought and say, thus making our due contribution.

Borderlands are physical spaces adjoining national boundary lines and geographic units with unique characteristics in terms of geography, natural resources, demography, economy, and culture. In most cases, they unite as a continuum with the same ethnicity, economic pattern and natural resource, and share more common features with the neighboring country instead of the inner land of the mother country. These similarities and identicalness do no respect and cannot be divided by the artificial boundary lines which are politically dictated. People, goods, services and ideas flow across boundaries from state to state in a very easy manner. The borderlands are becoming more and more important in the context of global sustainable development and regional cooperation, and deserve special attention for policy-makers and researchers.

A better understanding of borderlands can be advanced through an integrated multi-disciplinary researches and the utilization of new technologies. During the past few years, we have witnessed recent scientific achievements and technological development in earth observation, global geographic information, geopolitics, geographic modeling, international relations and many other related subjects. This makes it possible to conduct a more comprehensive research of the borderlands areas in our planet through multi-disciplinary collaboration. New concepts and theories, methods and algorithms, as well as the advanced geo-computing tools/ platform can be developed to support the planning, monitoring, and management of borderlands. Scientific innovation and excellency in this domain will not only contribute to the socio-economic development and human well-being in border areas, but will also benefit the global understanding and sustainability.

This workshop aims to promote scientific research and academic exchange on digital modeling, advanced analysis and comprehensive understanding of borderlands. It will provide a forum for leading scientists and young researchers to present their latest research results, exchange new ideas and discuss the possible collaboration in this field.

Topics: - Scientific challenges in borderlands studies - Conceptual and theoretical achievements in borderlands studies - Modeling and representation of digital borderlands - Reliable information of borderlands - Geo-computing infrastructure for borderland studies - Analytical and quantitative methods for borderlands - Understanding the relation of land cover and culture in border areas - Understanding cross-border economies and communication - Understanding non-traditional security in border areas - Others

Scientific Committee: Prof. Dahe Qin (Chair, IGU Vice President, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) Prof. Jun Chen (Co-Chair, ISPRS President, NGCC/BNU, China) Prof. Yanhua Liu (Co-Chair, GSC President, China) Dr. Douglas Richardson (Co-Chair, AAG Executive Director, USA) Prof. William Cartwright (Co-Chair, ICA Past President, RMIT University, Australia) Prof. Giuliano Bellezza (IGU Vice President, Universities of Roma La Sapienza and Viterbo-Tuscia, Italy) Dr. Derek Clarke (ICA Vice President, Surveys and Mapping, SouthAfrica) Prof. Yifang Ban (ISPRS WG IV/II/VIII Chair, KTH, Sweden) Prof. Debin Du (East China Normal University, China) Dr. Jie Jiang (ISPRS Com II President (NGCC, China) Dr. Peter Jordan (ICA Com. Chair on Atlases, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Austria) Dr. Shuying Leng (National Natural Science Foundation of China, China) Prof. Songnian Li (ISPRS Com IV President, Rayson University, Canada) Prof. Weidong Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) Prof. Yaolin Liu (ICA Vice President, Wuhan University, China) Mr. Sukendra Martha (ICA Vice President, Board of Geospatial Information, Indonesia) Prof. Alexander Murphy (AAG Past President, University of Oregon, USA) Prof. Matin Pratt (Durham University, UK) Prof. Mark Rosenberg (Queen’s University, Canada) Dr. Changqing Song (National Natural Science Foundation of China, China) Prof. Shu Tao (Peking University, China) Prof. Vladimir Tikunov (ICA Com. Chair on GI for Sustainability, M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia) Prof. Jiayao Wang (Information Engineering University, China) Prof. Shangyi Zhou (Beijing Normal University, China)

Organizing Committee: Prof. YuejingGe (Chair, Beijing Normal University, China) Prof. Hui Deng (Peking University, China) Prof. Yixin Hua (Information Engineering University, China) Dr. Horst Kremers (ICA Com. Co-chair on GI for Sustainability, Co-Chair (Germany) Prof. Qingwen Qi (ICA Com. Co-chair on Atlases, CAS, China) Dr. Bo Qu (China Foreign Affairs University, China) Dr. René Sieber, ICA Commission on Atlases, Co-Chair (Switzerland) Mr. Faliang Wang (NGCC, China) Prof. Shengtian Yang (Beijing Normal University, China) Prof. Tingjun Zhang (Lanzhou University, China) Dr. Zhuodong Zhang (Beijing Normal University, China)

Secretary: Dr. Yang Cheng (Beijing Normal University, China)

Abstract and paper submission: - Abstract with approx. 500 wordsin English should be submitted before August 10, 2013. The submission system will be available on the workshop webpage. - Notification of acceptance will be sent out by September 10, 2013 with instructions for the submission of draft papers by October 10, 2013 for circulation at the workshop.

Registration fees: All participants, except non-attending co-authors, must pay the registration fees of $200 (or 1200 RMB) at the workshop. The fees will be used for renting venue, printing workshop documents, providing food services, inviting keynote speakers, and preparing conference proceedings. This workshop offers a reduced registration fee of $100 (or 600 RMB) for graduate students.

Contac information: Dr. Yang Cheng School of Geography, Beijing Normal University, China No. 19, XinJieKouWai St., HaiDian District, Beijing 100875, P. R. China Phone: (86)-10-58807473, Ext.1340 Fax: (86)-10-58806955 E-mail: chengyang@bnu.edu.cn

Important Dates: Abstracts:August 10, 2013 Notification of acceptance: September 10, 2013 Full paper: October 10, 2013


3rd Conference of the Asian Borderlands Research Network "Connections, Corridors, and Communities", Kunming, China, 12-15.10.12

Deadline for applications: 1 December 2011 Conference dates: 12 - 15 October 2012

Host: Centre for Southwest Borderland Ethnic Minority Studies, Yunnan University (YU), Kunming, China

Convenors: Prof. He Ming (YU), Dr. Joy Bai (YU), Dr. Tina Harris (University of Amsterdam, UvA), Prof. Willem van Schendel (UvA) and Dr. Erik de Maaker (Leiden University)

Extensive land and maritime networks have crisscrossed Asia for centuries, providing the basis for encounters between diverse ethnic, linguistic, economic, religious, and political groups. Today, developments such as new infrastructural projects, an increase in media access, and renewed interest in shaping cross-border cultural identities serve to both underscore these long-standing linkages and create new forms of connections across Asia. During the 3rd Asian Borderlands Research Conference in Kunming, we invite submissions that address continuities and ruptures along routes and borders in Asia, broadly related to the theme, "Connections, Corridors, and Communities".

Connections: How are Asian borderlands made more (or less) visible through the study of cross-border connections? In what ways does the idea of the "borderland" remain resilient throughout political and historical ruptures? What are the characteristics of various kinds of connections that are being created (as well as cut off) in Asian borderlands?

Corridors: Are networks and paths throughout Asian borderlands being forged, reopened, diverted, or closed, and what are the effects of such processes? Can one conceive of "corridors" in relation to maritime or island borderlands, information technology networks, or bodily borders in Asia?

Communities: What constitutes a "community" or "communities" in and across Asian borderlands, and how might these be contingent upon other factors, such as politics, environmental issues, and history? What are some of the barriers and restrictions to the creation of communities in the context of Asian borderlands? In what ways is a community defined by the state, by organizations, and/or by local individuals?

Since one of the main goals of this conference is to spur collaboration and conversation across diverse fields in the hope of building up a more nuanced picture of the intersections and relationships across Asian borderlands, submissions are invited from scholars, writers, policy studies researchers, artists, filmmakers, activists, the media, and others from a wide variety of disciplinary backgrounds. We invite conceptually innovative papers, based on new research, in order to develop new perspectives in the study of Asian Borderlands.

Only a small number of individual papers will be selected. We therefore encourage you to submit a full panel or roundtable proposal. We will consider proposals for panels and roundtables that have a thematic focus, are of a comparative character, and involve scholars or practitioners affiliated with different institutions.*

  • New to this Asian Borderlands conference, the roundtable format is

intended to allow for a more open forum on a broader theme. Typically, panelists will each address the main issue or topic of the roundtable, and the remainder of the time is open for an informal discussion between the panel members and a more extended question-and-answer period with the audience. Some examples of wide themes in relation to Asian borderlands may include, but are not limited to: migration; security; gender; technology; environmental issues, etc.

Please visit http://asianborderlands.net to submit proposals. The deadline is 1 December 2011.

Participants will be notified towards the beginning of the year 2012.

Very limited financial support may be made available to specific scholars residing in Asia and some junior or low-income scholars in other parts of the world. If you would like to be considered for a grant, please submit along with your abstract for a panel and/or paper a short letter stating the motivation for your request. Please also specify the kind of funding that you have applied for or will receive from other sources. Please note that the conference operates on a limited budget, and will not normally be able to provide more than a partial coverage of the costs of travel.

Further information about registration fees, the venue, and logistics will be provided on the ABRN website once the panels have been accepted.

For more information, please visit the website at http://asianborderlands.net, or email info@asianborderlands.net