International Political Science Association

Research Committee 41 – Geopolitics

Research Committee 15 – Political and Cultural Geography


Seventh International Workshop on


Political Geography and Geopolitics as scientific approaches: concepts, theories, methods, and cases

11 – 13 October 2024

Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary


Call for Papers

Deadline – April 1st, 2024


The IPSA joint RC41 and RC15 Seventh International Workshop in Budapest, titled Political Geography and Geopolitics as scientific approaches: concepts, theories, methods, and cases is organized by the Corvinus Institute for Advanced Studies and the Lab of Geopolitics, Corvinus University of Budapest. Following the previous workshops in Moscow (2010), Jerusalem (2013), Austin (2019), Yerevan (2021), Moscow (2022), and Belgrade (2023), the 2024 Budapest Workshop will continue the traditional framework, limiting the participation to a smaller group of scholars to discuss contemporary theoretical and empirical puzzles of geopolitics and political geography. The two-day workshop is designated to bring together up to fifteen leading scholars on geopolitics and political geography to discuss the theoretical, methodological, and empirical development of the discipline.

Accordingly, the Budapest Workshop will be conducted in an open discussion format, with scholarly presentations divided into three panel sessions, with 3-5 panelists for each session. The presentation (10-15 minutes) will be followed by a brief set of oral comments by the designated discussant, after which the floor will be open to questions and comments from the audience (45 to 60 minutes).

The list of the workshop topics includes:

  • The place of concepts and theories in political geography & geopolitics
  • Reshaping methodological approaches in political geography & geopolitics
  • Representing, visualizing, and interpreting geopolitical data
  • Historical and archival research in political geography & geopolitics
  • Geotagged surveys and interviews in political geography & geopolitics
  • Spatial statistical analysis, spatial econometrics, and GIS technologies in political geography & geopolitics; wargaming / software and in vivo simulations
  • Application of specific theories and concepts in empirical case studies in political geography & geopolitics


Keynote speaker

Professor David Criekemans

University of Antwerp


Applying for the Workshop

Unlike other international conferences, the Workshop framework is designed to limit participation to a smaller and rather selected group of invitees, each bringing to bear his or her disciplinary expertise or area studies specialization. Anyone wishing to participate in the 2024 RC-41 and RC-15 Budapest Workshop is invited to submit an initial abstract. The abstract (between 300 and 500 words) should be sent to Nuno Morgado at and to Igor Okunev at Abstracts will not be accepted after April 1st, 2024. Notice of Acceptance will be sent to the participants by April 15th, 2024.

No Registration fee for the Workshop is required.

Acceptance is conditioned, however, upon the participant’s commitment to full, active attendance at all panel sessions and discussions throughout the three days of the Workshop, in addition to one paper presentation. Participants in the 2024 Budapest Workshop are expected to cover all personal transportation arrangements, accommodation, and expenses. Limited IPSA conference travel grants may be available upon special request to help defray partial air fare costs for junior scholars or in exceptional cases.


All papers presented at the Workshop will be published in a joint edited volume by Corvinus University of Budapest and the University of Belgrade.



February 20th, 2024          – Announcement & Call for Papers

April 1st, 2024                  – Deadline for Submission of Abstracts

April 15th, 2024                 – Notice of Acceptance

July 1st, 2024                       – Full Paper Submission

September 30th, 2024      – Final Program

