IPSA RC 41 - Geopolitics

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03Mar 2011

Political Geography and Sexuality and Space Specialty Groups Pre-Conference, Tacoma, USA, 10-11.04.2011

This year the Political Geography and Sexuality and Space Specialty Groups are co-sponsoring a pre-conference on the University of Washington Tacoma campus immediately prior to the start of the Association of American Geographers conference in Seattle. We have extended the submission deadline for this pre-conference for one more week. The new deadline is March 8, 2011. We have some great papers and panels thus far. We welcome additional paper and panel proposals on a wide range of topics related to political geography, sexuality and space, and/or the overlaps and interconnections between the two. Participation is not limited to specialty group members. To submit a paper or session proposal, please send a title, abstract, and complete author/organizer contact information ! to Larry Knopp (knoppl@uw.edu) or Mark Pendras (pendras@uw.edu) no later than March 8, 2011.

The pre-conference will begin midday on Sunday, April 10 and will feature a Keynote Address by Dr. Lynn Staeheli, Professor of Geography at Durham University in the United Kingdom. The conference will continue through Monday, April 11. Additional registration details, including fee and fee payment details, are available at http://www.tacoma.uw.edu/events/pgs.

The University of Washington Tacoma campus is located in downtown Tacoma’s vibrant and beautifully renovated museum district. Accommodations within walking distance include the Courtyard by Marriott (http://www.marriott.com/hotels/hotel-information/travel/seatd-courtyard-tacoma-downtown/) and the Hotel Murano (http://www.hotelmuranotacoma.com/). The Best Western Tacoma Dome (http://www.bestwesternwashington.com/hotels/best-western-tacoma-dome-hotel/) is a very short (2-3 minute) free tram ride away. All three of! fer room rates that are considerably cheaper than hotel rates ! in downtown Seattle (including AAG conference rates). In addition, downtown Seattle and Tacoma are accessible to one another via commuter train and express busses from early morning until late evening. The trip takes less than an hour.

Special thanks to the two specialty groups, UW-Tacoma administration, and the UW-Tacoma Office of Advancement, for their support of this pre-conference. Thanks also to the local organizing committee comprised of geographers and fellow-travelers in the Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences and Urban Studies programs at UW-Tacoma and the Department of Geography at UW-Seattle.

27Feb 2011

International Summer University and Internship Programme, Institute of Federalism, Fribourg, Switzerland

The Institute of Federalism is pleased to announce the call for applications for its annual International Summer University which is in its 23rd year and the Internship Programme in Federalism.

The Summer University is a 3 week course from August 22 to September 9, 2011 and provides participants with a unique opportunity to learn and experience the current state of scholarship and practice in the area of federalism, decentralisation and conflict resolution. The Summer University is aimed at advanced students of law, political science, economics, journalism or related disciplines (with at least four years of University level studies) and young professionals keen to improve their knowledge of federalism, decentralisation and conflict resolution.

The Internship Programme for young professionals in Federalism gives young people the chance to experience multicultural Swiss federalism firsthand by gaining an insight in the world of cantonal authorities for 6 weeks (from 12 September until 21 October 2011). The Internship Programme is aimed at persons from developing/transition countries having successfully completed the Institute of Federalism’s International Summer University (2011 or previous Summer Universities).

Deadline for applications for both programmes: 30 April 2011

The Institute of Federalism, founded in 1984, has established itself as a centre of competence renowned worldwide in the field of federalism, state organization, democracy and human rights. The International Research and Consulting Centre (IRCC) is part of the Institute of Federalism of the University of Fribourg and focuses on research, international cooperation and knowledge exchange. Additionally the IRCC provides its expertise to States engaged in democratization or decentralisation processes in the form of consultancy, support for the strengthening of democracy, rule of law, power sharing and the protection of human or minority rights.

Please find attached the flyer of the International Summer University and the flyer of the Internship and consult our website www.federalism.ch for further information.

Summer University


12Feb 2011

Political Geography Graduate Student Paper Competition

Description: The student paper competitions are open to all students who have written and presented a research paper on a topic in political geography. Guidelines are as follows:

1. The competition is open to all students, however a student may not receive a Student Paper Competition award more than once during her/his tenure as a student. See also 8a below.

2. The entries must be research papers and not complete theses or dissertations. Papers must not be longer than 15 pages plus bibliography.

3. Entries must be on a topic in political geography.

4. Paper entries must have been presented at a professional meeting during the period beginning with the first day of the previous AAG Annual Meeting and concluding with the last day of the next AAG Annual Meeting.

5. Hard or digital copies of papers must be submitted to all three members of the PGSG's Student Paper Award Committee by the deadline announced in the PGSG newsletter.

6. Submissions will normally be divided into Masters and Ph.D. student divisions.

7. Submissions will be judged on their written clarity, methodological and theoretical soundness, and their contributions to research in political geography.

8. All monetary prizes are awarded at the discretion of the Student Paper Award Committee. Awards will normally include:

A. A regional student-paper award: for a paper presented at a Regional AAG meeting; award will be $100 for the top paper(MA or Ph.D. level, only one award); a student may not win both student paper awards;

B. Doctoral Student Award ($100 + reimbursement of next year’s AAG Annual Meeting student registration fee),

C. Master's Student Award ($100 + reimbursement of next year’s AAG Annual Meeting student registration fee),

D. up to three Honorable Mention awards (reimbursement of next year’s AAG Annual Meeting student registration fee).

9. The results of the Student Paper Award competitions will be announced to the winner just prior to the annual AAG meeting in Las Vegas and the awardees (including any Honorable Mention awardees) will be invited to attend the annual AAG Awards Luncheon at the expense of the PGSG. The awards will be formally announced at the PGSG business meeting in Las Vegas Payment will take place shortly thereafter. The awardees' names and paper titles will be forwarded to the AAG for publication in the AAG Newsletter.

10. Any questions pertaining to eligibility will be resolved by the Student Paper Award Committee.

Deadline is on March 15, 2011

Submissions should be sent to committee chair Darren Purcell (dpurcell@ou.edu), or other members of the committee ( Helga Leitner - eqj6139@umn.edu>, Katrinka Somdahl-Sands - somdahka@gmail.com.)

11Feb 2011

Moscow 2010 Papers

Please find attached the papers presented at RC 41 Conference in Moscow 2010. You can fin find more information on the event here http://rc41.ipsa.org/pages/2010-Moscow

Igor Okunev Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces in the Geopoltical Structure of the World

Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces

Nikola Zeljković Clash of interests on Balkans between USA, Russia, Turkey and the EU


Artyom Lukin Balance of Power in Northeast Asia: A Case for Stability

Northeast Asia

Alexandra Shapovalova Asymmetric Balance of Power in Eastern Europe

Eastern Europe

Sona Margaryan EU Conflict Resolution Policy in the South Caucasus:Paying for Security vs. Manipulation for Influence

South Caucasus

George-Vadim Tiugea Perspectives of the Balance of Power in Eastern Europe at the Beginning of the 21st Century

Eastern Europe 2

Dimitris Rapidis From Global to Regional Hegemony: The Geopolitical Triangle of Russia, Turkey, and Iran in the Caspian Sea and Middle East Region

Russia, Turkey, Iran

Peter Casny From Global Contest over International Coordination in Energy Security – European policy between geopolitics and multilateral governance

European Energy Security

11Feb 2011

Santiago 2009 Papers

Please find attached the papers presented at RC 41 panels in Santiago 2009. You can fin find more information on the event here http://rc41.ipsa.org/pages/2009-Santiago

Joseph YS Cheng China’s Energy Security and Energy Diplomacy


Ziv Rubinovitz Geopolitics and American Policy on the Use of Force: Somalia, Rwanda and Afghanistan

American policy

Charles-Philippe David, Elisabeth Vallet Mirror Mirror on the Wall: Why is There a Wall After All? The Return of the Wall in International Relations


02Feb 2011

Practitioners Course on Decentralisation and Local Governance, Fribourg, 28.3-8.4.2011

Please find enclosed the flyer of our Practitioners Course on Decentralisation and Local Governance which will be held in Fribourg, Switzerland from 28 March to 08 April 2011. We kindly ask you to post it and/or send it to interested people.

If you are interested in participating in this course taught by international experts, meeting up with practitioners from all over the world and deepening your knowledge on decentralisation, local governance, fiscal decentralisation, environment and natural resources, urbanization and conflict resolution , you are kindly requested to complete the application form and to send it together with additional documents to Ms. Yvonne Heiter-Steiner, Institute of Federalism, Rte d’Englisberg 7, CH-1763 Granges-Paccot, Switzerland or via email to: yvonne.heiter-steiner@unifr.ch

Applications should be sent no later than: 28 February 2011

For further information related to the course, please visit our web page: http://www.federalism.ch/index.php?page=951&lang=0

Fribour Flyer

26Jan 2011

International Workshop “Seabed and Subsoil: the Continental Shelf and the Area”, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 5-7.11.2011

The Argentine Commission on the Outer Limit of the Continental Shelf (COPLA) is very pleased to invite you to the International Workshop “Seabed and Subsoil: the Continental Shelf and the Area”, to be held in Buenos Aires from October 5^th to 7^th , 2011.

This Workshop aims at providing a forum for discussion in order to exchange points of view and information on technical and legal matters related to the seabed and subsoil. National and foreign experts from different States and organizations involved in geological, geophysical, hydrographic, legal and economic issues related to the outer limit of the continental shelf and the exploitation and conservation of the resources of the seabed and subsoil are invited to participate in this Workshop.

The following general topics will be address:

· The Outer Limit of the Continental Shelf: Sharing Experiences and New Developments

· The Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf: its Work and current Workload

· Resources of the Seabed and Subsoil

· The Role of the International Seabed Authority and its Challenges for the Future

Should you be interested in submitting a paper or a poster, please send your proposal by e-mail to copla@mrecic.gov.ar <mailto:copla@mrecic.gov.ar> before February 28^th 2011, so that it may be evaluated by the Organizing Committee. Please, bear in mind that only a limited number of presentations will be accepted, so the refusal of a presentation does not prejudice about its academic quality.

Vacancies are limited. Further information on the Seminar will be provided by March 2011.

20Jan 2011

18th Annual Conference on Critical Geography, Worcester, USA, 4-6.11.2011

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce that Clark University's Graduate School of Geography will be hosting the 18th Annual Conference on Critical Geography. Focused on 'Constructing a Radical Politics in an Age of Crisis', the conference will be held from November 4-6, 2011, and our keynote speaker will be Neil Smith, Professor of Anthropology and Geography at the CUNY Graduate Center.

Please see the attached conference description for more details; a conference website is forthcoming. We invite proposals for paper sessions and panels addressing the themes in the conference description, and will be sending a formal CFP in the spring or summer.

Please feel free to forward this, and feel free to contact us (information below).

Best, Miles and John

-- Miles Kenney-Lazar PhD Student, NSF Graduate Research Fellow Graduate School of Geography, Clark University 950 Main St, Worcester, MA 01610 mkenneylazar@clarku.edu

John Lauermann PhD Student, Research Fellow Graduate School of Geography, Clark University 950 Main St, Worcester, MA 01610 jlauermann@clarku.edu \\ www.johnlauermann.com


18Aug 2008

RC41 - note from Chair

Dear Colleagues:
As newly confirmed Chair of The International Political Science Association’s Research Committee RC-41 (Geopolitics), I am writing not only to introduce myself but to address each of you associated with this Committee in some capacity in the past, whether as a formal member or participant in one of its sponsored workshops. 
Pledged to help build upon the longstanding efforts by Professor Robert Lieber almost single-handedly at sustaining the activities of IPSA’s RC-41, I want begin by expressing our sincere individual and collective thanks to him. 
Looking to the future, clearly, there are many ideas for prospective activities within this domain of Geopolitics – and I certainly welcome any and all suggestions. Beyond generating ideas, however, I am asking each of you to renew your personal commitment and involvement in RC-41.
If we are to revitalize RC-41 and to undertake any new programs it seems to me that the most pressing need at the moment is to deepen the ranks of our membership though a determined, energetic recruitment campaign. I therefore urge you to approach known colleagues, overseas research collaborators and advanced graduate students who might have a professional interest in registering as members of RC-41. Please provide them with my E-Mail address (aklieman@gmail.com), and ask they write me directly with their particulars.
If each of us undertakes this fairly simple step and stimulates even 5-10 people to commit we stand to multiply our membership by several fold. For this purpose, I am attaching a brief description of RC-41’s terms of reference.

I look forward to hearing from you in response to my letter. Also, to working with you more closely in the future, and to meeting you personally. 

Professor Aharon Klieman

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